Luís Afonso

Aesthetic Dentistry, Oral Rehabilitation, Operative Dentistry, Fixed Prosthodontics
Doctor Luís Afonso was born on November 7, 1990, in Viseu, where he completed his basic and secondary education at the Alves Martins high school. He entered the Integrated Master in Dental Medicine at the Catholic University, in Viseu, and after the first year he continued his studies at the University of Porto, having obtained a Master's degree from the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Porto in 2016.
He began his professional career in January 2017, and in that same year he attended his first postgraduate course, in the area of Oral Rehabilitation, Occlusion and Fixed Prosthesis.
In 2018, he began his connection with the Instituto de Reabilitação Oral de Viseu, a clinic where he exercises his clinical practice in the areas of Fixed Prosthesis, Aesthetic Oral Rehabilitation and Biomimicry and Dentistry.
In 2019, he attended the postgraduate course in Advanced Biomimetic Oral Rehabilitation, at CESPU, with the aim of improving his knowledge of Aesthetic and Conservative Dentistry, and being able to interact with some of the greatest world references in the area.
To this day, he has attended several national and international congresses and postgraduate courses in the field of Dentistry, Esthetics, Fixed Prosthesis and Oral Rehabilitation.
In 2021, he began his career as a teacher, participating in training courses on Dentistry, Aesthetics and Fixed Prosthesis, with a special focus on Vertical Preparations and their clinical application. It is also in 2021 that he receives the invitation to join the faculty of the course that inspired him to start the path in Dental Medicine of excellence, the postgraduate degree in Advanced Biomimetic Oral Rehabilitation.