João Mouzinho

Aesthetic Dentistry, Oral Rehabilitation, Oral Implantology, Fixed Prosthodontics
Doctor João Mouzinho was born in 1983 in the historic city in the center of the country named "Tomar". Since he was a child, he gained a love for health, the result of a family linked to medicine.
In 2001, he had an accident that caused him to lose his upper central incisor, and from that point on, he decided that he wanted to be a Dentist.
He moved to Porto in 2001 where he completed his degree in Dentistry.
He always believed that training could make him a better professional, having done several postgraduate courses in Implantology and Aesthetic Rehabilitation, and a master's degree in Periodontology.
He worked in several Dental Practices, until in 2014 he opened his own clinic - MOLAR CLINIC. As he believes in teamwork, he joined a team of brilliant Dentists in their areas, to make MOLAR CLINIC a reference clinic in the national scenario.
At present, he dedicates himself exclusively to dental implantology and oral rehabilitation with ceramic veneers, areas in which he continues to graduate, in order to be able to provide a service of the highest quality, always with the most innovative technologies to support him.